Born with a serious heart condition, 18 year old Ben Breedlove shares his experience "cheating" death 4 times, before finally succumbing to cardiac arrest just one week later. Ben tells of the emotions he faced during these experiences, how it felt to face his own mortality multiple times, and how it has fortified his belief in God and angels.
1. How does the way he decides to tell his viewers his story effect the mood of this video?
2. How does Ben's use of repetition impact the story?
3. What role do the background music and facial expressions play in the telling of the story?
4. How does Ben's story telling appeal to the different generations?
5. Does the absence of words make the message more powerful?
Breedlove creates a desperate, yet hopeful mood in this video. By using the combination of flashcards, music, and facial expressions, Ben draws the audience in, creating anticipation. The viewer is constantly waiting to see the next flashcard. However, the message on each card is not always positive. He developed a pattern with his effective storytelling. He would describe a traumatic event, paired with the music, the mood seemed dismal and gloomy. But to continue the pattern, he would describe a great event, like the peaceful feeling. This would cause the mood to become more positive and hopeful for success.
By alternating from this dismal mood to a hopeful one, the audience is drawn in wondering what will happen next, or how the video will result.
The mood of this piece is dictated in the end. By asking the viewer if they believe in God and the Angels, he is indicating a positive thing. The mood is confirmed with his last flashcard saying "I Do." This powerful statement speaks to the viewer and ignites a sense of wonder and awe. So many times it takes hearing about someone else's experiences to confirm ones own beliefs. Although so many bad things have happened to Ben Breedlove, in the end of the video, things are positive, because he has cheated death and has a firm belief in God and the Angels. This positive ending overpowers the dismal parts of the rest of the clip.
I feel the lack of words creates for a deeper more powerful message. When you are watching this video and reading these note cards Breedlove made you repeat all of the messages in your head. For me I pictured myself in Breedlove’s shoes when he goes into cardiac arrest and then ends up in this state of bliss and happiness. Breedlove’s use of these note cards was an unusual way of telling a story. Normally in a video a person would be talking and telling you their story. This made the message more powerful because it allows you to truly understand him because all you hear is the background music. While watching you’re not distracted by his voice or tone, you are just able to focus in on his facial expressions that correlate to each message he displays on the screen. Although this is a seven-minute video, for YouTube is considered long, I was captivated for the whole thing and wanted to know the message on the next note card the whole time.
The topic of death usually brings on an ominous and depressing mood, but in this video Breedlove brings a different mood when speaking about death. Although, he says he was very upset to think he was dying, he focuses the viewer’s attention more on this indescribable sense of peace and gratification he experienced. A sense that he never wanted to leave because it put him on the highest level he’s ever been. For him to experience something like this must have been very enlightening. I feel it allowed him to take a new perspective on death and allow for him to conquer his fear of dying. If I had the choice of hearing this story through Breedlove speaking or through his line of note cards, I would prefer the note cards. The reason being that it was a new and different way to perceive a story and a message. I was able to try and feel his pain and joy through his traumatic experiences. Overall I truly embraced the message Breedlove portrayed.
Breedlove made this video with the idea of giving th audience a message. He is effective in relaying this message by using the lack of voice. By litterally not saying a single word the audience is forced to pay attention to what he is saying in fear of missing an important piece to the puzzel. He wants us to see what he is saying instead of listen to it and he is very successful at doing so.
He continues to change the mood of the film by alternating terrible events and good ones. The music likewise changes based on this. The music reflects what is happening at that instant in the video. He wants us to see that he is not sad or fearful of dying because he knows at some point this condition is going to kill him.
The main message of this video is telling the audience that he truely believes God and angels exist and we should likewise think and believe so. He wanted to send that message to anyone who sees his video. He was successful.
The fact that Ben chooses not to speak throughout the entire video, and use only flashcards to get his point across is very powerful. This makes the video more intruiging because you really have to pay attention to get the whole effect of the video. You have to sit there and read every notecard to truly understand the whole story. The background music sets a calm and peacfeul mood, but also a little sad. Ben uses a lot of different emotions in this story, when things are bad, he as a burdened look on his face, and when things pick up, he will occaisonally smile.
Ben's repeition of notecards is helpful when trying to keep up with the video and continuously reading the cards. This adds to the powerful message that ben is trying to get across, and also could relate to some symbolism. The repeition in Ben's life of not knowing what is going to happen next with his heart, but every couple years knowing a problem is going to occur.
This story appeals to a wide audience because the older people sympathize with this young child who has a serious heart condition, and feel for him as if he was their own child. Then the younger generation relates to Ben by being close in age, and knowing this could have happened to any one of them.
This was a very moving video clip. Ben Breedlove, uses the notecards to put across a much more powerful message. Breedlove, keeps the notecards short which really allows all the words to sink into your heart and digest what is going on in this incredible story. Everytime that Breedlove reaches for a notecard, it forces the viewer to wonder what is going to happen next, will his heart get fixed or will he have to live forever with this condition that could cause him to die at any moment. The music plays a huge role in the tone of the video, when something tragic happens on a notecard, the music is somewhat sad, and when something that is happy is written on the notecard, the music really lightens up. This really helps connect the audience and force them to keep watching, because they can sense when something good is about to happen and really wonder what happened.
At the end of the video, Ben asks one very highly debated question, "do you believe in god?" and he answers, "I do." No matter what religion the viewer is, no matter where the viewer comes from or his or her ethnic background. This video makes the viewer really think and question whether they believe in god. And after watching this video, there really is no way the viewer could dispute the fact that god exists. Especially after all of the phenomenons that occurred during his times of trouble. Ben Breedlove created one of the most inspiring and influential videos, I believe he is able to relate to all generations. Because it relates to anybody who has ever had something tragic happen to them, and what went on in their head when they were near the end. This video is truly inspirational.
The absence of words in Ben’s message truly impacts how he feels about the situation. Ben doesn’t want people to view this as another video that was posted just on a whim. He wants people to truly listen to what he has to say and ironically the way to get them to listen is by not speaking. I also believe that he uses flashcards so that he could put a nice song in the background of the video. If he was speaking through the entire video, he would not people able to make such an impact that only a peaceful song could make. Ben’s use of flashcards also impacts the viewer by using short abrupt sentences to get his point across rather than taking the chance of struggling over words and being hard to understand. The video as a whole was very appropriately put together for its purpose.
This video was a way for Ben Breedlove to express himself and let his thoughts and feelings out about his past experiences. He chose to write them on notecards without speech. With a voice in the video, it would become a distraction and almost hinder the importance and strength of his message. Depending on his clearness and tone of voice people could have interpreted it differently. Also, if he spoke his thoughts instead of writing them down, he could have risked skipping a specific detail or drawing out points for too long. This would ultimately affect the serious yet hopeful story. The notebooks are to the point but hold a lot of expression in the words such as "sad", "smiling", and "NEVER forget". The audience can picture what occurred which his descriptions. Then he ends the video with a question of faith "Do you believe in angels or God?" and pauses a moment to give the audience time to actually think about their beliefs and replies with "I Do." It is very powerful because instead of ending with an exclamation point, he ends with a period. That period is firm, confident, and never-changing. He is sure of his beliefs, wants people to be aware of what he experienced, and make the audience think about what they believe.
In this video, Breedlove is creates a sad and desperate mood while still being able to instill hope. The way he tells his story is very powerful, especially with the music and the facial expressions he makes. While telling his story, which is heart breaking, he still smiles, as in to give the viewer the sense that he's at peace and still has hope. Also, the way he tells his story. By using the note cards and not using words, he creates a sense of curioisty in the viewer. The viewer is torn by the different messages that he is displaying and they have to wait each time to see what the next card will bring. And, the way he ends the story might be the most powerful part. The single statement, "I Do" finally gives the viewer the clear message. Even though he is in a very difficult situation, he has found peace and his own happiness in it. He wants the viewer to know that he's content and happy with himself. I think that statement helps to over power the sad and depressing statements from cards before.
In this video Ben repeats the words smile and peaceful. I think these are very powerful words. They help set the mood of his visions. It draws the audience in because everyone can relate to the feeling of a peaceful place. Also the fact that he repeats the word smile is important. The word smile makes people think of happiness and joy. Both of these words create a picture of a tranquil place that is full of happiness. The repetition draws in the audience in and they can picture what Ben is going through. Also, the repetition relates the story at the beginning of the video with the story at the end of the video. I think this is important, because the video is so long and the audience will feel more sympathetic towards Ben. Overall, the repetition helps the audience relate to Ben and feel more drawn to his story.
The absence of spoken word really makes the viewer focus on the note cards. The cards came at a good pace which one could read along easily. The effect is the viewer creates Ben's voice in his or her head. Ben's main repetition was his "still smiling" cards in spite of his traumatizing life. This lifted the video's mood slightly, because the audience gets to see Ben's positive attitude outshine his bleak condition. The background music worked for the two opposite ends of feeling the video hit upon. These two feelings were sadness and happiness. The music combined with the written words enhanced each sensation viewer. Ben's facial expressions also made the viewer sympathize more with him. He had an easygoing smile which he added in when the mood was happier. Ben's story telling appeals to different generations because he uses his faith in religion, which many people can relate to. His message is a powerful one. He lives life happily in spite of his brushes with death. The I Do note card at the end of the video shows how the absence of words makes the message so much more powerful. Ben's touching story compels the audience to think about their views on God.
Throughout the video Ben Breedlove shares with us, many different emotions can be felt through the use of music, facial expressions and his lack of words. The music adds a powerful feeling to the video because it is the only thing heard throughout. The lack of words that he decides to express through flashcards gives this feeling an even deeper meaning. Most of the time the sound of the music sounds dark and gloomy going along with the flashcards that most of the time contain a sad message. However, when looking at Breedlove's facial expressions, you almost feel like you are hearing a positive story because he sometimes smiles and rarely shows any hint of sadness but instead more of an expression of acceptance. By doing this, he adds a very interesting aspect to this video because this story is far from positive but the composure he shows is able to give the audience a feeling of hope. Lastly, the way he ends the video by holding up cards that read: "Do you believe in Angels or God?" and "I Do" is in my opinion the reason he is able to go through this video with attitude and composure that he showed. It is his way of showing that he is happy with the life he has and it is his way to inspire all those who watch the video to be happy with theirs too.
While Breedlove does appeal to this generation in that his language is very simple, it doesn't give his story the depth that it requires to be meaningful. Because the story lacks spoken dialogue, Breedlove must focus his attention primarily on the music choice as well as word choice in order to convey his profound message to the world. By saying things like "scary right?" Breedlove is speaking in a language similar to his peers, however, the word choice is not powerful enough to invoke the feelings that he wants the audience to feel. His word choice, although appealing to the newest generation, does not paint the images that he wants to portray. Even the idea of "cheating death", which is repeated multiple times throughout the story is a poor word choice. If he was "saved" by some higher being, the word cheat has a negative connotation that does not flow with the story line. Perhaps he should have used phrases like "blessed to live" or "rose above death".
On the issue of the notecard use and its effectiveness on the emotions of the audience, it is effective if the music is tastefully done and the word choice is powerful. However the words are scrunched and small on the notecard, and I was scrambling to read what Breedlove was trying to say. This idea of notecard storytelling first started with a giant viral outbreak of an antibully story of a young boy about to start 8th grade. However, I believe the bully story was much more effectively done in that the reason for using the notecards was almost symbolic; the boy could not stand up or speak for himself, and so he had his notecards do the talking for him. Breedlove tries to invoke the same emotions in his notecard use too, but it falls short in comparison, because judging by his attitude throughout the entire clip, he appears to have a confident, sure voice.
Though the clip is over seven minutes long, an audience member would not notice due to the power of the message. The background music and facial expressions are fundamental in the telling of Ben Breedlove’s tale. Throughout the entire clip the music is both sad and solemn, and Ben’s expressions compliment these moods. When he holds up the card referring to his desire to play sports, yet inability to do so, his appearance is sad. As Ben tells of the time when his blood sugar was 14, the music is slow, and gains speed with each card, as if to create even more suspense. This is replicated with each facing of death; the music progresses in speed until Ben meets death again, then the music becomes softer and happier. Ben’s expressions correspond with the music; for instance, at each part where he remembers light, and peace, he smiles a gentle smile, similar to the softer music playing. The musical selection and expressions truly enhance the entire clip. This combination creates a mood of reflection.
The lack of words in the video also strengthens the message. This element allows an audience member to only concentrate on the message, for there is no voice, movement or changing scenes to create distraction. The note cards allow Ben to divide his message. This makes it more impactful, for some cards are long with details, and others are only a few important words. This strengthens the message and appeals to more of the audience’s senses- there was already music playing to bring across the story, so the use of cards allows people to see and hear the message. Finally the cards create suspense and reflection, which often cannot be created through words. There are short pauses between each card that cause a viewer to want to know the end of the story, yet the viewer also actively thinks about the meaning of the story. Overall the lack of words intensifies the message.
I think the music and Ben's facial expressions add a great deal to the message of the video and about Ben as a whole. The music has a serious and almost depressing feel to it. This goes right along with Ben's story being that it's also very serious and sad. Meanwhile, his facial expressions do almost the exact opposite. Ben smiles many times throughout the video. This displays what kind of person he is. Even while talking about all the troubles he's been through he still maintains a positive attitude and smiles at a time most people couldn't. I think this is a part of Ben's message. He is telling everybody that, no matter how hard life may seem, trying to stay positive can make everything seem a little better. Lastly, at the end of the video Ben stops smiling and the music stops. This is when he asks, "Do you believe in Angels or God?" and then the next card says, "I do." The serious tone and lack of music puts emphasis on his final lasting point. He wanted his final massage to really stick with all the viewers.
Contrary to some who thinks that the story lacks depth, lacks the use of flamboyant words to deliver a meaningful message, I humbly beg to differ.
The simplicity of the message, the innocence in the language chosen to be used, the style, invoke the audiences' response, their compassion. To those who understand the journey Breedlove is going through, they are encouraged by it strongly. Perhaps the apparent lack of maturity in the video shows how mature he actually is - not in one the world views as maturity, but one of a different realm. There could be many criticisms made towards the making of this video, the method used, to every puny detail, but it seems to miss the point altogether.
The background music used is, in my opinion, simple and appropriate. The music helps to give the listeners a hint of the emotions of pain, anxiety, sadness, joy that Breedlove went through. If one watches a little closely, he would be able to observe those small moments of Breedlove smiling. The subtle yet significant moments. Only one instrument is used in the background music. The usage of a grand piano is brilliant. The clarity of each and every note, the sound of the drum hitting each pair of strings bound to a board radiates through the music created. The idea of simplicity, through the piano, through Breedlove's life, is presented. As in any classical music piece, there are parts where it requires a crescendo, a diminuendo, andante, allegro, affrettando. All these fit in the moments described in his life story.
The few times Breedlove smiled may seem dumb to many, but to those who are able to empathize, little speaks a lot.
As seen in previous videos on youtube, 'telling the story' has been in the form of notecards, which allows the viewer to think of the words and say them as one's emotions may want him/her to. Many feelings would be generated in the viewer's mind, relating to one's memory and experience in life.
Ben uses 'I' many times, which emphasizes that he was the one that went through all the hardships and he was the one to feel what he has described. Also, he repeats his feeling of death to explain and confirm to the viewer the reality of his situation and what he has truly felt, when at the hospital(s).
Try watching the video on mute, and you might not be as affected by the story as you are now. Even the music, by itself bursts emotion within oneself; hence, the combination of silent words and music act to produce a story that your eyes and ears will narate to your heart. Ben's facial expression's are sufficient to express the intensity of his words. The half smile he gave shows how happy he is trying to show us he is but how unhappy he truly is.
By mentioning his interest in the rapper Kid Cudi, he has earned more connection to all people who love rappers and gained respect and understanding from many as well. The abscence of words coming out of his mouth give the viewer a chance to imagine Ben's voice and think of how sad or joyful it might have been. His choice of using notecards, and the background music in the video force the viewer to relate to his story and connect all feelings one has experienced to those which Ben has himself.
1. By only showing words instead of speaking, there is more space for viewers to imagine how Ben was feeling through his experiences. In fact, it would be very difficult to completely figure out what did Ben feel without hearing his tone.
2. Ben’s use of repetition deepens the mood. The repetition also shows what Ben‘s course of facing death one is. First, he felt the love of God and angels when he was four years old. Second, Ben cheated death again and he hated the feeling. Third, he gained the feeling of peace again and made sure that that’s what the feeling and destination he wanted.
3. The background music make people more easily recognized the conflict and replacement between hardship and peace in Ben’s mind.
Facial expression expressed how Ben grew up in the procedure of facing hardship. Also, the smile ensured that Ben is really long for feelings of peace when he was in the edge between death and alive.
4. For the teenagers who are as young as Ben, the most inspiration is that his stories encourage them to bravely face their difficulties in their lives.
For the adults who are middle-aged, they would probably recognize that even though the young may experience less than themselves, setbacks and diverse tragedies would also make them grow up rapidly and be mature soon. For the old, especially those are/will face death soon, they would be more frankly face with death. As Ben mentioned in the story, he felt like being in a completely white room with a peaceful mind. Yes, Ben believed there are God and angels and he knew they would help him be in another world. So why can’t we?
The way Ben uses notecards and a pen to tell the story is very effective. It makes the mood much more serious. It causes the audience to really engage in the video. They have to pay attention or they could miss something. Without words, you can see his facial expressions much more clearly. You can look into his eyes and really see how he feels. Not using words almost makes the video much more real. It makes the message much more powerful. The use of background music is also very powerful. Without the music it would be awkwardly silent. The fact that it was a piano also plays a huge role. Making the music flow with the story.
Throughout the video, Breedlove created both a sad/desperate mood and a hopeful/confident mood. His usage of the sad music, no spoken words, and facial expressions helped emphasize his story. The only words in this video were on the note cards that he would hold up. This helped create a lot of suspense because the viewers would be waiting to read what would be on his next note card. It would alternate between something negative to something positive. The music would also reflect on what was being said. It would get more intense as he would show a note card with something depressing on it. Then once he changed to something more positive, the music would break the tension and become less tense. His smiles throughout the video showed the viewers that he was hopeful and confident. Also, at the end where he said “I Do” when talking about if he believed in God, the music cut out and he held the note card up for a while really helped to get that message across because of the viewer’s strong focus on the card.
Breedlove’s video is even more powerful than sound ones. He decided to use the silent mood might because his story of fighting with death. Four times cheating death is courageous enough, magical enough and touching enough to everyone. His last two flash cards might be the words he wanted to say most: “Do you believe in angel and god? “I do”. He described 4 times in a white bright peaceful place seems like heaven and was accompanied with someone like angels, escaping from death and woke up smiling. The story is so peaceful that no voice can tell the real feelings. The flashcards are like letters from god, one can only read it, contact the message with god instead of speaking it aloud. Anyone who has experienced 4 times of death will not afraid of it anymore. The silent mood is the way to show his now psychological condition, which is peaceful, not fearful and thankful to life. The music is also peaceful, faithful yet a little bit sad. And all together create an atmosphere of understanding. Usually when mouth is closed, the heart will open. When there are no words, the heart will let in. when there is no sound, people will read and feel the soul. When the power of speech is not strong enough, just say nothing.
Breedlove enables his audience read his soul, feel his peace and listen to his heartbeats.
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